आप सभी को पता होगा कि English Grammar के लिए Article बहुत ही ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण टॉपिक है| इस पोस्ट में हमने article की परिभाषा, नियम, उपयोग तथा उदहारण को बहुत ही अच्छे से समझाने की कोशिश की है, उम्मीद है की इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ने के बाद आपका article से जुडी सभी प्रकार के प्रश्न का हल मिल जायेगा|
Article in Hindi
Definition: Article is an adjective or determiner that makes a noun definite or indefinite.
परिभाषा: Article एक विशेषण जो संज्ञा को निश्चित या अनिश्चित बनाता है|
According to uses article is divided into two forms:-
- Indefinite Article (A/An)
- Definite Article (The)
1. Indefinite Article (A/An)
ध्यान रखे कि यदि किसी शब्द के प्रथम latter का उच्चारण किसी Consonant Sound (क, ख, ग…ज्ञ) के दायरे में पड़े तो उसके पहले Indefinite Article ‘A’ आता हैं जबकि ‘An’ उस शब्द के प्रथम latter का उच्चारण कोई Vowel Sound (अ, आ, इ…अ:) के दायरे में हो तो उसके पहले Indefinite Article ‘An’ आता हैं|
Example: A pen, A dog, An Apple, An umbrella, A University etc
1.> Indefinite Article comes before an indefinite or uncertain singular countable noun.
Example: A boy is calling you outside the building.
2.> Indefinite article comes before kinds of / short of / type of to show an uncertain time.
Example: This is a kind of problem for me.
3.> Indefinite article comes to show a unit in the meaning of per (प्रति).
Example: It is ten rupee per kg. or It is a ten rupee a kg.
4.> ‘Numbers of’ gets indefinite article before itself to show a large number of countable noun.
Example: A numbers of students are present in the class.
5.> ‘Amount of’ gets indefinite article before itself to show a large quantity of something.
Example: An amount of rice is reaming in the kitchen.
6.> Indefinite article comes before lot of / great deal of / good deal of etc to show a large number or quantity of something.
Example: I have a great deal of friends in my village. / I have a great deal of rice in my kitchen.
7.> Indefinite article comes before great many / good many to show a large number of countable nouns.
Example: I have a great many friends in my class.
8.> Many + A/An + S.C.N (Singular Countable Noun) + Subject
Example: Many a student is laborious in India.
9.> Indefinite article come before few / little to show a small number or quantity of something.
Example: A few students are absent today.
10.> Indefinite article comes before the name of an occupation.
Example: He is a dancer and i am a singer.
11.> A/An + Adjective + S.C.N (Singular Countable Noun)
Example: A smart boy, A new car, A red pen etc.
12.> Indefinite article can be used before the name of a person (proper noun) also, if we don’t know about him/her expect the name.
Example: I meet a Raja in train later he told me that he was a student of science.
13.> यदि किसी बड़ी हस्ती का नाम किसी अन्य के साथ जोड़कर उस अन्य पर व्यंग किया जाये तो बड़े हस्ती के नाम में ‘A/An’ आता हैं|
Example: He thanks himself a Dhoni in long hair.
14.> WH/Such + a/an …! comes to show surprise.
Example: What a good pen it is!
15.> Too/so/as/this/that + adjective + a/an … ! comes to show surprise.
Example: Too bad a road it is!
16.> Some nouns gets a/an is their idiomatic sense. (lie, word, bath, nap, attention, attempt, effort, exception, excuse, rest etc.)
Example: He was making noise in the class. (x) / He was making a noise in the class. (✓) / He made an attempt to solve the question. (✓)
2. Definite Article (The)
1.> The definite article comes before a certain or definite noun.
Example: This pen is running well. or, The pen is running well. / The boys are very lazy.
2.> Definite article comes to make a noun definite.
Example: I know the doctor you are remembering too.
3.> Truth gets definite article before itself.
Example: He always speak the truth.
4.> Kind of / sort of / type of get definite article to show a certain time.
Example: I have never seen the kind of problems in my life.
5.> ‘Number of’ gets definite article to show counting.
Example: The number of students increasing in my class.
6.> ‘Amount of’ gets definite article before itself to show the quantity of something.
Example: The amount of sugar is very law in this mixture.
7.> A superlative form gets definite before itself.
Example: Ram is the tallest boy of my class.
8.> Definite article before a comparative form also, if we make comparison + selection in (1:2).
Example: Ram is the taller of Mohan and Shohan.
9.> A reciprocal comparison gets article ‘the’ before itself.
Example: The faster you run, The quicker you reach, The more he gets , the more he demands.
10.> Former / latter gets definite article before itself / themselves.
Example: The former chapter was very lazy.
11.> A proper adjective gets definite article before itself.
Example: The American policy is running well.
12.> An ordinal adjective of number gets definite article before itself.
Example: The third umpire was very honesty.
13.> Few / little gets definite article before itself to make definite form of few / little numbers or quantity.
Example: The few students sitting in the class are very laborious.
14.> If a place name denoted a team gets definite article before itself.
Example: The Indian are batting first in this match.
15.> If a study subject is possessed by anyone gets definite article before itself.
Example: The physics of H.C. Verma are very difficult.
16.> The + Adjective comes show the entired community of the same quantity.
Example: The poor are very laborious.
17.> Definite article comes to demonstrate a noun in the minimum ‘This, These, Those’.
Example: This pen is red. or The pen is red. / The boys are vey lazy.
18.> Definite article comes to reintroduce a noun in a sentanse.
Example: I have a car but, now i want to sell the car.
19.> Definite article comes before the name of the parts of universe.
Example: The Sun, The Moon, The Sky, The Earth etc.
20.> Definite article comes before the name of direction.
Example: The East, The West, The North, The North-east etc.
21.> A weather name + Season gets definite article before itself.
Example: He will come in the winter season.
23.> Definite article comes before the name of the parts of government.
Example: The B.J.P, The Congress, The R.J.D etc.
24.> Definite article comes before the name of a historical event.
Example: The Kargil war, The green revolution etc.
25.> Definite article comes before the headline of a writing.
Example: Write a note on the poverty.
26.> Definite article come before the name of a kingdom family.
Example: The Mughal, The Morya, The Mongla, The Chouhan etc.
27.> Definite article comes before the name of a religious, cast or sub cast.
Example: The Hindu, The Muslim, The Brahman etc.
28.> Definite article comes before the name of Unique of world.
Example: The Taj Mahal, The China Wall, The White House etc.
29.> Definite article comes before the proper noun of a printed articles. (किसी पुस्तक, समाचार पत्र, पत्रिका आदि का Proper Name)
Example: The Time of India, The Indian Express, The India Today etc.
30.> Definite article comes before the proper name of a water containing place. (किसी, नदी, नहर, झील, झरना, तालाब, सागर, महासागर आदि|)
Example: The Ganga, The ocean etc.
31.> Definite article comes before the proper name of travelling source.
Example: The Rajdhani Express, The mig-25 etc.
32.> Definite article comes before the name musical instrument.
Example: The Tabla, The Guitar etc.
33.> Definite article comes before the name of a mountain peak series.
Example: The Himalayas, The Vindhyachal etc.
34.> Definite article comes before the name of an island series.
Example: The Andaman Niko bar, The New Zealand etc.
35.> Definite article comes before the name of a deserts(मरुस्थल).
Example: The Thar, The Sahara, The Gobi etc.
36.> Definite article comes before the name of Armed forces.
Example: The CRPF, The BSF, The Bihar Police etc.
37.> Define article comes before the name of parts of body.
Example: The eyes, The nose, The head etc.
38.> Definite article comes before the name of organization and trust.
Example: The red cross society, The consumer form etc.
39.> यदि किसी Abbreviation के प्रत्येक letter को मिलाकर किसी word का स्वरुप दिया जाए तो वह किसी संस्था को दर्शाता है और उसके पहले Article ‘The’ आता हैं|
Example: The UNESCO, The NATO etc.
Note: ध्यान रहे कि Abbreviation के प्रत्येक letter का अगल-अलग उच्चारण हो तो और यह common noun का स्वरुप रहे तो उसके पहले Indefinite Articles आता हैं|
Example: In, an M.A, He is a B.A etc.
40.> A little name(without proper noun) gets definite article before itself.
Example: The Tiwari is a good singer.
41.> यदि किसी मशहुर व्यक्ति का नाम किसी अन्य के साथ जोड़कर उस अन्य की तारीफ की जाए तो उस मशहुर व्यक्ति के नाम में Article ‘The’ आता हैं|
Example: Kalidas is the shakespeare of India.
42.> यदि किसी व्यक्ति का नाम (Proper Noun) अपने ठीक पहले अपना कोई Adjective ग्रहण किया गया हो तो उसके पहले Article ‘The’ आता हैं|
Example: The operable Mohan Singh, The late Rajeev etc.
43.> Definite article comes before the name of a post.
Example: The P.M, The Precedent etc.
44.> यदि कोई place name अपने नाम से अपना world class quality प्रस्तुत करे तो उस place नाम के पहले Article ‘The’ आता हैं|
Example: The Punjab, The U.S.A, The U.K, The Selves.
45.> Beginning and end get definite article before themselves.
Example: He got the job in the beginning.
46.> Definite article come before the name of Telecasting or Broadcasting program. (किसी Cinema, Serial, नाटक आदि का Proper Noun)
Example: The Dhoom 4, The Dori Mohan etc.
47.> यदि किसी Noun के किसी preposition के पहले रखते हुए निश्चितता का बोध कराया जाए तो किसी तरह Noun के पहले Article ‘The’ आता हैं|
Example: Ram was great.
The Ram of the Ramayana was great. / The Boys of my class are very lazy. / The water of this river is polluted. / The honesty of Gandhi Jee was great.
ऊपर हमने Article के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा किया है, उम्मी है आप सभी को अच्छे से समझ आ गया होगा| किसी प्रकार का मन में प्रश्न रहने से हमें कमेंट में जरुर कमेंट कर सकते है|
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