Difference Between But and Yet: With Rules & Examples

By Mr Bunny

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Difference Between But and Yet:

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Difference Between But and Yet:

Use Of But

1. It comes to show opposition in sense.

  1. “I was excited to go hiking, but the weather forecast predicted thunderstorms.”
  2. “She studied hard for the exam, but she still found it challenging.”
  3. “He wanted to buy the car, but he didn’t have enough money.”
  4. “The restaurant has a great reputation, but the food was disappointing.”
  5. “They planned a picnic, but their friends canceled last minute.”
  6. “I love chocolate ice cream, but I’m trying to cut down on sweets.”
  7. “The hotel looked beautiful online, but the service was poor.”
  8. “She prepared for the presentation, but she forgot her notes.”
  9. “He was sure he locked the door, but it was left open.”
  10. “The book was supposed to be thrilling, but it was rather dull.”

2. It makes opposition between two Noun/Pronoun/Adjective/Adverb

  1. “The restaurant was popular, but the food was bland.”
  2. “She prefers classical music, but her brother likes rock.”
  3. “The city is bustling, but the countryside is peaceful.”
  4. “His job is demanding, but her job is relaxing.”
  5. “The novel is a best-seller, but the movie adaptation was a flop.”
  6. “He bought a new laptop, but his old one still works fine.”
  7. “Their vacation was fun, but their return to work was stressful.”
  8. “The car is fast, but the bike is more economical.”
  9. “She loves cats, but her roommate is a dog person.”
  10. “The project is due next week, but the team is still behind schedule.”

Use Of Yet

1. It comes to show opposition in sense

  1. “She’s very talented, yet she struggles with self-confidence.”
  2. “The weather was forecasted to be sunny, yet it rained all day.”
  3. “He is wealthy, yet he lives a very modest lifestyle.”
  4. “The movie received great reviews, yet it didn’t perform well at the box office.”
  5. “She arrived early, yet she was still late for the meeting.”
  6. “The project was completed on time, yet it failed to meet the quality standards.”
  7. “They promised to fix the issue promptly, yet it remains unresolved.”
  8. “The restaurant has excellent reviews, yet the food was disappointing.”
  9. “He studied diligently, yet he did not pass the exam.”
  10. “The car is brand new, yet it has already developed problems.”

2. It makes opposition between two verb.

  1. “She tried to explain the concept, yet he didn’t understand.”
  2. “He worked hard on the presentation, yet it failed to impress the audience.”
  3. “The team practiced extensively, yet they lost the game.”
  4. “They planned every detail of the event, yet it went awry.”
  5. “She cleaned the house thoroughly, yet it was messy by the end of the day.”
  6. “He apologized sincerely, yet she was still upset.”
  7. “The weather was perfect for a picnic, yet they stayed indoors.”
  8. “She invested a lot of time in the project, yet it was not successful.”
  9. “He saved money for months, yet he still couldn’t afford the item.”
  10. “They implemented new strategies, yet sales did not improve.”
1. It comes to show opposition in sense.1. It comes to show opposition in sense.
2. It makes opposition between two Noun/Pronoun/Adjective/Adverb.
Example: Ram is honest but Shayam is dishonest. (✓) / He is lazy but strong. (✓)
2. It makes opposition between two verb.
Example: He earns much between does not spend. (x) / He earns much yet does not spend. (✓)

Note: Keep in mind that in the condition of though, although, as though, even though, the sign ‘yet/(‘)’ comes.

Example: Although be will laborious but be could not pass the exam. (x) / Although be will laborious yet be could not pass the exam. (✓)

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Mr Bunny

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