Different Between Can And Could: Rules, Examples & Sentences

By Mr Bunny

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Different Between Can And Could

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Different Between Can And Could: There are 12 Modal Verbs- Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Shall, Will, would, Used To, Out To, Need To, Dear To, Must etc. If you want to read about all Modal verbs then Visit On Our Website English Grammar.in Or go to the Home page.

Use Of Can

Use Of Can: If you want to learn English Modal Verb is the most important part of english Grammar without learning Modal Verb You won’t be able to lean English. In each and every sector Modal Verb verb helps you to improve you english language and your Grammar Present, Modal Verb always used in English Course, So let’s talk about Can, Today we will learn about Can

There are different types of Model verbs But toady we will discuss about Can, Can is a Modal verb, it’s mean Hope / Possibility. As i can go to Market, it is possibality that she can go to market but may be she can’t go to Market.

Use Of Can: All Information, Rules & Examples

Below we have explained all the rules regarding “Can” in detail. If you have any problem in understanding then you can also understand it by reading the examples.

Use of Could: Could is a Modal Verb, Which is used in everywhere, If you want to learn English Or English Grammar Could is the most Important part of English Grammar without learning Modal Verbs you won’t be able to complete any sentence in English, so this is very necessary.

Different Between Can And Could

Use of Could:

Could is used As Past Ability: Used to describe what someone was able to do in the past.

Example: When I was Younger, I Couldn’t run fast

Could is used As Possibility : Used to indicate that something is possible but no certain

Example: Could i Borrow Your Pen.

Could is used As Polite Request and Suggestion: Used to make Polite Request and Suggestion.

Example: Could You Please Passes the Salt

Could is used As Conditional Statement: Use in Conditional Statment to dercribe what might happed under certain Condition.

Different Between Can & Could

Why Should be learn different between Can & Could:


Can is mostly used to show present ability, Capacity, To Get Permission, To Give Permission, Prohibit Strictly, Show Possibility And Show Target.


  1. Present Ability:
  2. I can speak three languages fluently.
  3. Capacity:
  4. This car can seat up to seven people.
  5. To Get Permission:
  6. Can I leave work early today?
  7. To Give Permission:
  8. Yes, you can borrow my book.
  9. Prohibit Strictly:
  10. You can’t enter this area without a pass.
  11. Show Possibility:
  12. It can rain tomorrow, according to the forecast.
  13. Show Target:
  14. By following this plan, we can achieve our goals.
  15. Present Ability:
  16. She can solve complex math problems easily.
  17. Capacity:
  18. This bottle can hold one liter of water.
  19. To Get Permission:
  20. Can we turn up the music a little?


Could is used for less possibility and uses for Past Ability, Possibility, Polite Request & Suggestion And Conditional etc.


  1. Past Ability:
  2. When I was younger, I could run a mile in under six minutes.
  3. Past Ability:
  4. She could play the piano beautifully when she was a child.
  5. Possibility:
  6. If we leave now, we could still make it to the show on time.
  7. Possibility:
  8. It looks cloudy; it could rain later.
  9. Polite Request:
  10. Could you please pass the salt?
  11. Polite Request:
  12. Could you help me with this report?
  13. Suggestion:
  14. We could go to the new restaurant for dinner.
  15. Suggestion:
  16. You could try restarting your computer to fix the issue.
  17. Conditional:
  18. If I had more time, I could learn to play the guitar.
  19. Conditional:
  20. If she studied harder, she could get better grades
Different Between Can And Could

Can is Used in Present Tense

Can is used as Present Tense To show present time, This show the current Work being done.


  1. “She can speak three languages.”
  2. “I can swim very fast.”
  3. “It can get very cold in winter.”
  4. “You can find that book in the library.”
  5. Can you help me with this?”
  6. “Can I borrow your pen?”

Can is Used in Past Tense

Can is also include in Past Tense To show past Work.


  1. When I was a child, I could climb trees very easily.
  2. She could swim across the lake when she was younger.
  3. We could stay up all night without feeling tired back in college.
  4. He could finish his homework in just an hour when he was in elementary school.
  5. They could travel freely before the restrictions were implemente

Can is Used in Future Tense

Can is also used in Future Tense to show Future situation.


  1. “She will be able to speak three languages after she finishes her course.”
  2. “I will be able to swim very fast once I complete my training.”
  3. “You will be able to find that book in the library next week.”
  4. “They will be able to leave early once their work is done.”
  5. “We will be able to travel again when the restrictions are lifted.”

Could is Used in Present Tense

Could is used as Present Tense To show present time, This show the current Work being done.


  1. He could come to the party if he finishes his work on time.”
  2. “They could be waiting for us at the restaurant.”
  3. “She could be the one who knows the answer.”
  4. “Could you please pass me the salt?”
  5. “Could I borrow your car for the weekend?”

Could is Used in Past Tense

Could is also include in Past Tense To show past Work.


  1. When I was younger, I could climb trees effortlessly.”
  2. “She could speak French fluently before she moved to Paris.”
  3. “We could see the stars clearly from the mountaintop.”
  4. “He could lift heavy weights without any difficulty.”
  5. “Before the accident, she could run marathons.”

Could is Used in Future Tense

Could is also used in Future Tense to show Future situation.


  1. He could be the one who took my keys.”
  2. “Could you please repeat that?”
  3. “She could come to the party if she finishes her work early.”
  4. “In the past, she could solve any math problem.”
  5. “Could you tell me where the nearest bank is?”
Different Between Can And Could
Can (Present Tense)

Active Voice: “He can solve the problem.”
Passive Voice: “The problem can be solved by him.
Could (Past Tense)

Active Voice: “She could solve the puzzle when she was younger.”
Passive Voice:
“The puzzle could be solved by her when she was younger.”
Active Voice: “They can finish the project on time.”
Passive Voice: “The project can be finished on time by them.”
Active Voice: “We could reach the summit before sunset.”
Passive Voice: “The summit could be reached before sunset by us.”

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Mr Bunny

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