Material Noun: Definition, Examples, Rules And Structure

By Mr Bunny

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Material Noun

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Material Noun: Below we have tried to discuss Material Noun in detail, if you want to know about this noun in detail then read the post completely.

Material Nouns are often used to describe substances, elements or materials that are tangible and can be physically touched or felt. They are usually uncountable and do not have a plural form.

What is Material Noun?

The noun which is measured or weighed and is not counted is called Material Noun. Like water, sugar, rice, gold etc. We can measure or weigh water, but cannot count it, hence we can say, water is a material noun.

Rules of Material Noun

The rules given below are very important. If you can remember these rules, it will be easier to understand.

Rule (1): It is a singular and gets singular verb.


  1. The water is cold.
  2. The gold is pure.
  3. The cotton is soft.
  4. The wood is polished.
  5. The plastic is durable.
  6. The glass is clear.
  7. The steel is strong.
  8. The marble is elegant.
  9. The wool is warm.
  10. The silk is smooth.

Rule (2): Generally article does not come before a material Noun.

Example: Water are Colorless. (x) / A water is Colorless. (x) / Water is Colorless. (✓)

Note: Keep in mind that the article ‘The’ comes before a Material Noun to give a Particular Sense.

Example: The water is polluted.

  1. She wore a necklace made of gold.
  2. The table is made of wood.
  3. He drinks coffee every morning.
  4. The statue is carved from marble.
  5. The dress is made of silk.
  6. The chair is upholstered with leather.
  7. The kitchen countertops are granite.
  8. The building has a glass facade.
  9. The cup is made from ceramic.
  10. The rug is woven from wool.

Rule (3): Dredge is the only material Noun that is plural and gets plural verb.

Example: Dredge is lying a side the road in this area. (x) / Dredge are lying a side the road in this area. (✓)

  1. The dredges are used to clear the riverbed.
  2. The various dredges have different applications in construction.
  3. The workers operate several dredges at the site.
  4. The dredges have been maintained regularly.
  5. The new dredges arrived last week.
  6. The company owns multiple dredges for different projects.
  7. The dredges are essential for deepening the harbour.
  8. The team tested the efficiency of the different dredges.
  9. The old dredges were replaced by more advanced models.
  10. The maintenance of the dredges is crucial for their operation.

Usage of Material Nouns in Sentences

Material Noun

Material nouns are commonly used in sentences to describe the substance or material being referred to. Here are some examples:

  • The car was made of metal and has a sleek design.
  • She accidentally broke the glass vase.
  • The water in the lake was crystal clear.
  • He built the table using wood from a local forest.
  • The toy was made of plastic.

It is important to note that material nouns can also be used in a broader sense to represent categories or types of substances. For example:

  • Water is essential for life.
  • Wood is a versatile material used in construction.
  • Metal is a good conductor of electricity.

50 Examples of Material Noun

Here are some examples of material nouns:

  1. Wood: The table is made of oak wood.
  2. Steel: The bridge is constructed from steel.
  3. Gold: She wore a necklace made of gold.
  4. Silver: The trophy is crafted from silver.
  5. Iron: The gate is made of wrought iron.
  6. Copper: The wires in the electrical system are made of copper.
  7. Aluminum: The soda can is made of aluminum.
  8. Plastic: The toy is made of durable plastic.
  9. Glass: The window panes are made of glass.
  10. Concrete: The building’s foundation is constructed from concrete.
  11. Leather: He wore a jacket made of fine leather.
  12. Cotton: The shirt is made from soft cotton.
  13. Wool: The sweater is knitted from warm wool.
  14. Silk: The dress is made of luxurious silk.
  15. Rubber: The tires are made from rubber.
  16. Bronze: The sculpture is cast in bronze.
  17. Marble: The countertop is made of polished marble.
  18. Linen: The tablecloth is made of crisp linen.
  19. Ceramic: The vase is crafted from ceramic.
  20. Stone: The pathway is paved with stone.
  21. Granite: The kitchen countertops are made of granite.
  22. Bamboo: The flooring is made of sustainable bamboo.
  23. Clay: The pot is made from fired clay.
  24. Jute: The rug is woven from natural jute fibers.
  25. Velvet: The cushions are covered in rich velvet.
  26. Satin: The curtains are made of smooth satin.
  27. Taffeta: The evening gown is crafted from crisp taffeta.
  28. Tungsten: The jewelry is made from durable tungsten.
  29. Pewter: The tankard is fashioned from pewter.
  30. Nylon: The tent is made from weather-resistant nylon.
  31. Acrylic: The sign is made of clear acrylic.
  32. Fiberglass: The boat hull is made from fiberglass.
  33. Lead: The old pipes were made from lead.
  34. Ivory: The chess pieces are carved from ivory.
  35. Tin: The can is made from tinplate.
  36. Asphalt: The road is surfaced with asphalt.
  37. Feather: The pillow is filled with soft feathers.
  38. Charcoal: The grill uses charcoal for fuel.
  39. Plywood: The cabinet is built from plywood.
  40. Rattan: The chair is woven from rattan.
  41. Hemp: The rope is made from strong hemp fibers.
  42. Quartz: The countertop is made from quartz.
  43. Rubies: The ring is adorned with rubies.
  44. Diamonds: The necklace is set with diamonds.
  45. Obsidian: The knife blade is made of sharp obsidian.
  46. Amethyst: The bracelet features amethyst stones.
  47. Limestone: The wall is constructed from limestone.
  48. Wicker: The basket is made from wicker.
  49. Cork: The bulletin board is covered in cork.
  50. Polyester: The jacket is made from durable polyester.


Material Noun

In this post, we have discussed Material Noun in detail, hope you all liked the information given in it. If you liked it, then give your opinion in the comment box.

FAQ: Material Nouns

1.What is a material noun?

A material noun refers to a substance or material used to make things. It denotes materials like metals, fabrics, liquids, and other substances. Examples include wood, gold, water, and glass.

2. Are material nouns countable or uncountable?

Material nouns are typically uncountable. They represent a substance in general and cannot be counted in individual units. For example, we say “water” rather than “waters”.

3. Do material nouns require articles?

Generally, material nouns do not use articles when referring to the substance in a general sense. For example, we say “She used cotton in the design” instead of “She used a cotton in the design.” However, when specifying a particular instance or quantity, articles may be used. For example, “The cotton used in this fabric is high quality.”

4. How do you use material nouns in sentences?

Material nouns are used to describe the substance of objects or to specify the material from which something is made. For example: “The statue is made of bronze.”
“He prefers wool over synthetic fibers.”

5. Do material nouns have plural forms?

Most material nouns do not have plural forms because they refer to substances in a general sense. However, “dredge” is an exception as it can be pluralized to “dredges” when referring to different types or quantities of the material used in dredging operations.

6. Can material nouns be used with quantifiers?

Yes, material nouns can be used with quantifiers to indicate quantity. For example: “A lot of gold was used in the decoration.”
“Some water spilled on the floor.”

7. Are material nouns always singular?

Material nouns are generally treated as singular when referring to the substance itself. For instance, “The iron is strong.” However, the material may be referred to in a plural context when discussing various types or instances, like “The dredges are essential for the project.”

8. How do material nouns differ from abstract nouns?

Material nouns refer to physical substances or materials, such as gold or wood, while abstract nouns refer to concepts, ideas, or qualities that cannot be physically touched or seen, like freedom or happiness.

9. Can material nouns be used in both singular and plural contexts?

Material nouns are typically used in the singular form when referring to the material as a whole. However, if you are talking about different types or amounts of the material, you might use a plural form. For example: “The metal is shiny.” (singular) “The metals used in the experiment are diverse.” (plural)

10. How can I determine if a noun is a material noun?

Material nouns usually denote substances or materials that make up objects. If a noun represents a physical substance that is used to create or describe something (e.g., wood, silk, plastic), it is likely a material noun. Consider whether the noun refers to a material or substance rather than an object or specific instance.

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    Mr Bunny

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