Present Indefinite Tense: How To Use It, With Example

By Mr Bunny

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Present Indefinite Tense:

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Present Indefinite Tense Definition: The change in verb according to time is called time and tense.

There are three types of time:

  1. Present Time
  2. Past Time
  3. Future Time

There are four types of tenses uses:

  1. Indefinite Tense
  2. Continuous Tense
  3. Perfect Tense
  4. Perfect Continuous Tense

* Tenses with Present Time

Present Indefinite Tense

  • Positive – S + V1/V5 + O
  • Negative – S + Do not/Does not +V1 + O*
  • Interrogative – Do/does + S + V1 + O?
  • Negative Interrogative – Do/Does + S + not + V1 + O?

Rule and Uses:

[1.] To show a present habitual action.

Example: He drinks wine.

[2.] To show a presents custom or ritual.

Example: Hindus worship in temples.

Hindus have a custom/tradition of worshipping in temples. – Hindus worship in the temple.

[3.] To make on historical event as the point of history.

Example: Alexander decreased Porus in war.

[4.] To show a 99% certain future plans.

Example: PM visit Nepal next month.

[5.] To avoid the repetition of shall or will in a conditional sentence.

Example: You will go, when he will come. (x) / You will go, when he comes. (✓)

[6.] To cite or quote a statement.


  • “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay
  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
  • “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

[7.] Always, Never, Seldom, Often, Rearly, Occasional, Usually etc. can be used in this tense which habitual action.

Example: He always comes late. / I never go there.

[8.] To show a universal truth.

Example: The sun rises in the east.

[9.] To make a series action as the process for something.

Example: How to make a tea? – First we boil some tea leaves in some water, then filter the water of boiled tea leaves in boiled milk, now serve it in cups with sugar.

[10.] To show the commentary of a cricket.

Example: Malinga bowled to Dhoni, Dhoni hits the ball goes out of the boundary line and it is a six.

50 Sentences Of Present Indefinite Tense

Present Indefinite Tense:
Positive Sentence-S + V1/V5 + O
Negative Sentence-S + Do not/Does not +V1 + O*
Interrogative Sentence-Do/does + S + V1 + O?
Negative Interrogative Sentence-Do/Does + S + not + V1 + O?
Positive – S + V1/V5 + ONegative – S + Do not/Does not +V1 + O*Interrogative – Do/does + S + V1 + O?Negative Interrogative – Do/Does + S + not + V1 + O?
She reads novels.She does not read novels.Does she read novels?Does she not read novels?
They eat breakfast early.They do not eat breakfast early.Do they eat breakfast early?Do they not eat breakfast early?
He plays football on weekends.He does not play football on weekends.Does he play football on weekends?Does he not play football on weekends?
I enjoy cooking.I do not enjoy cooking.Do I enjoy cooking?Do I not enjoy cooking?
The dog barks loudly.The dog does not bark loudly.Do we visit our grandparents often?Do we not visit our grandparents often?
We visit our grandparents often.We do not visit our grandparents often.Does the sun set in the west?Does she not study medicine?

The sun sets in the west.The sun does not set in the east.Does she study medicine?Does he not drive to work every day?
She studies medicine.She does not study medicine.Does the teacher explain the lesson clearly?Does the teacher not explain the lesson clearly?
The teacher explains the lesson clearly.The teacher does not explain the lesson clearly.Does he drive to work every day?Does the sun not set in the east?
He drives to work every day.He does not drive to work every day.Does the dog bark loudly?Does the dog not bark loudly?
  • Positive – S + V1/V5 + O
  • Negative – S + Do not/Does not +V1 + O*
  • Interrogative – Do/does + S + V1 + O?
  • Negative Interrogative – Do/Does + S + not + V1 + O?

Affirmative Sentences

  1. I read books.
  2. She sings beautifully.
  3. They work hard.
  4. He plays the guitar.
  5. The cat sleeps on the bed.
  6. We eat breakfast together.
  7. The sun sets in the west.
  8. She studies French.
  9. He runs every morning.
  10. My brother cooks dinner.
  11. The company ships products worldwide.
  12. The children laugh a lot.
  13. She drives to work daily.
  14. The dog barks loudly.
  15. I like to travel.

Negative Sentences

  1. I do not like coffee.
  2. She does not watch TV often.
  3. They do not play basketball.
  4. He does not go to the gym.
  5. The cat does not like water.
  6. We do not eat fast food.
  7. The sun does not rise in the west.
  8. She does not speak German.
  9. He does not write emails.
  10. My brother does not eat meat.
  11. The company does not sell electronics.
  12. The children do not go to bed early.
  13. She does not drive a car.
  14. The dog does not chase squirrels.
  15. I do not enjoy horror movies.

Interrogative Sentences

  1. Do I need to bring anything?
  2. Does she play the piano?
  3. Do they go to the gym?
  4. Does he like to swim?
  5. Does the cat eat fish?
  6. Do we have any milk left?
  7. Does the sun set in the east?
  8. Does she study every day?
  9. Does he call his parents regularly?
  10. Do my friends live nearby?
  11. Does the company offer discounts?
  12. Do the children attend the same school?
  13. Does she drive to work every day?
  14. Does the dog bark at night?
  15. Do I need to finish this now?
  16. Does he like to swim?
  17. Does the cat eat fish?
  18. Do we have any milk left?
  19. Does the sun set in the east?
  20. Do my friends live nearby?

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Mr Bunny

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