Use Of At, In And On: Rules, Examples And Sentences For Job

By Mr Bunny

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Use Of At, In And On

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Use Of At, In And On: These definitions and uses highlight the contexts in which “at,” “on,” and “in” are commonly applied to indicate time, location, and position.

At: Preposition ‘at’ is used to talk about the time at a fixed hour.

Example: He will come at 5’pm.

  1. She will arrive at 3:00 PM.
  2. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM.
  3. I will call you at noon.
  4. He usually goes to the gym at 6:30 PM.
  5. The train departs at midnight.
  6. The movie starts at 7:45 PM.
  7. We have lunch at 1:00 PM.
  8. The store opens at 10:00 AM.
  9. He starts work at 8:00 AM.
  10. The concert starts at 8:00 PM.
  11. I will meet you at 4:00 PM.
  12. The event is scheduled at 11:00 AM.
  13. She finishes class at 3:15 PM.
  14. The show starts at 2:00 PM.
  15. The flight departs at 5:30 AM.
  16. We should leave at 10:00 PM.
  17. The class starts at 12:30 PM.
  18. The bus arrives at 7:00 AM.
  19. The lecture will be at 10:00 AM.
  20. He expects to be home at 9:00 PM.

On: Preposition ‘on’ is used to talk about a day or date.

Example: He will come on Monday.

  1. The party is on December 25th.
  2. He has a meeting on Tuesday.
  3. The report is due on January 1st.
  4. They will arrive on Friday.
  5. The conference is on March 15th.
  6. We have a picnic on Sunday.
  7. The wedding is on September 10th.
  8. The store is closed on public holidays.
  9. The exam is on June 5th.
  10. The film releases on November 12th.
  11. My birthday is on April 20th.
  12. We plan to visit on Labor Day.
  13. The new book comes out on July 22nd.
  14. She will call you on Valentine’s Day.
  15. The event is on the last Saturday of the month.
  16. The deadline is on the 15th of August.
  17. The project starts on the first Monday of the month.
  18. The team meets on the first day of every month.
  19. The flight is scheduled on the 18th of this month.

In: Preposition ‘in’ is used with the name of a month or year.

Example: He will come in January.

  1. The project starts in 2025. We will meet in the summer.
  2. The store opens in April.
  3. The movie is released in November.
  4. He was born in 1990. The conference is in September.
  5. We plan to travel in the winter.
  6. The book is due to be published in 2024. The school year begins in August.
  7. The event will take place in the evening.
  8. The renovation will be completed in two months.
  9. She will start her job in June.
  10. They are going on vacation in July.
  11. The new policy will be introduced in 2023. The festival occurs in October.
  12. The research is expected to be done in the next year.
  13. We will visit our relatives in the fall.
  14. The project will be finished in the coming weeks.
  15. The historical drama is set in the 1800s.
  16. She will arrive in January.
  17. The project starts in 2025. We will meet in the summer.
  18. The store opens in April.
  19. The movie is released in November.
  20. He was born in 1990. The conference is in September.
Use Of At, In And On

Different Between At, In And On

Preposition UsesExamples
AtSpecific times1. At 5:00 PM
2. At noon
3. At midnight
4. At 3:15 PM
5. At lunchtime
OnSpecific days, dates, or surfaces1. On Monday
2. On July 4th
3. On Christmas Day
4. On the table
5. On January 1st
InLonger periods such as months, years, or general periods1. In January
2. In 2024
3. In the summer
4. In the morning
5. In two weeks

20 Sentences Of At


  1. I will meet you at the cafe at 3:00 PM.
  2. She arrives at work at 8:30 AM every day.
  3. The movie starts at 7:00 PM tonight.
  4. He will call you at noon.
  5. The concert starts at 9:00 PM.
  6. They usually have dinner at 7:00 PM.
  7. I’m waiting at the bus stop.
  8. The seminar will be held at the main hall.
  9. The party starts at midnight.
  10. She’s coming at the end of the week.
  11. The flight departs at 6:30 AM.
  12. He met her at the airport at 4:00 PM.
  13. The class starts at 10:00 AM sharp.
  14. I saw him at the gym at noon.
  15. The store opens at 10:00 AM.
  16. We will have the meeting at my office.
  17. The train arrives at 11:00 PM.
  18. They will visit us at the beginning of the month.
  19. She arrived at the hotel at 2:00 PM.
  20. The event will be held at the city centre.

20 Sentences Of On


  1. I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday.
  2. The party is scheduled on December 25th.
  3. She will arrive on the first day of the month.
  4. They went hiking on Saturday.
  5. The book is on the table.
  6. The meeting is on March 15th.
  7. He called me on my birthday.
  8. The exhibition opens on Friday.
  9. The movie releases on August 1st.
  10. She placed the vase on the shelf.
  11. The train will stop at the next station.
  12. We will celebrate on New Year’s Eve.
  13. The wedding is on September 10th.
  14. I will see you on the weekend.
  15. The announcement was made on the news.
  16. The festival is on the first weekend of July.
  17. He was late on his first day of work.
  18. The report is due on Monday.
  19. We have a reservation on the rooftop.
  20. The store is closed on public holidays.

20 Sentences In

Examples :

  1. The project is due in two weeks.
  2. He was born in 1985. The book is in the drawer.
  3. They plan to travel in the summer.
  4. The meeting will take place in the afternoon.
  5. I’ll see you in the morning.
  6. The new policy will be implemented in 2024. She lives in New York City.
  7. The kids will play in the park.
  8. We have a trip planned in October.
  9. The conference is in the hotel’s conference room.
  10. I need to finish this in one hour.
  11. The renovation will be completed in the next few months.
  12. He will start his new job in September.
  13. The festival occurs in the winter.
  14. The team is competing in the tournament.
  15. She will graduate in the spring.
  16. The company was founded in 2000. The information is in the report.
Use Of At, In And On

Identify examples between at, on and in

Different Examples :

  1. The train arrives ___ 6:30 AM.
  2. She has a dentist appointment ___ Tuesday.
  3. We are planning a trip ___ June.
  4. The store closes ___ 10:00 PM.
  5. The meeting will be held ___ December 15th.
  6. They usually go hiking ___ the summer.
  7. He finishes work ___ 5:00 PM.
  8. The wedding is scheduled ___ July 22nd
  9. .I will visit you ___ the spring.
  10. The concert starts ___ 8:00 PM.
  11. She will be home ___ her birthday.
  12. We have a picnic ___ the park every Saturday.
  13. The movie starts ___ 7:00 PM.
  14. The festival is ___ the first weekend of October.
  15. He was born ___ 1985.The conference is ___ March 10th.
  16. They went skiing ___ December.
  17. The class begins ___ 9:00 AM.
  18. The announcement was made ___ the news.
  19. We will finish the project ___ two weeks
  20. .I will see you ___ the café ___ noon.
  21. The new book is released ___ November 5th.
  22. She moved to the city ___ 2020.
  23. The bus arrives ___ 7:45 AM.
  24. The party will be ___ New Year’s Eve.
  25. He started his new job ___ January.
  26. We usually have dinner ___ 7:00 PM.
  27. The art exhibition opens ___ Friday.
  28. She will complete the course ___ six months.
  29. They met ___ the park ___ 4:00 PM.
  30. She moved to the city ___ 2020.

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Mr Bunny

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