Use Of Can: All Information, Rules & Examples

By Mr Bunny

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Use Of Can

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Use Of Can: If you want to learn English Modal Verb is the most important part of english Grammar without learning Modal Verb You won’t be able to lean English. In each and every sector Modal Verb verb helps you to improve you english language and your Grammar Present, Modal Verb always used in English Course, So let’s talk about Can, Today we will learn about Can

12 Type Of Modal Verb

Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Shall, Will, would, Used To, Out To, Need To, Dear To, Must etc. If you want to read about all Modal verbs then Visit On Our Website English Or go to the Home page.

There are different types of Model verbs But toady we will discuss about Can, Can is a Modal verb, it’s mean Hope / Possibility. As i can go to Market, it is possibality that she can go to market but may be she can’t go to Market.

Use Of Can: All Information, Rules & Examples

Below we have explained all the rules regarding “Can” in detail. If you have any problem in understanding then you can also understand it by reading the examples.

Use Of Can

There Are 8 Rule To Use Can

Rule 1: To Show a present ability or Capacity.


  • She can bake a delicious cake for the party.
  • He can fix the car by himself.
  • They can speak Spanish fluently.
  • I can solve this math problem easily.
  • We can finish the project before the deadline.
  • You can visit us next weekend.
  • The robot can clean the entire house.
  • The doctor can treat your illness effectively.
  • Students can access the online library resources.
  • The chef can prepare a special dish for the guests.

Rules 2: To get Permission (Family Or circle Used)

  • Can I borrow your car tomorrow?
  • Can we have pizza for dinner tonight?
  • Can he use your laptop for a while?
  • Can they come over to our house this weekend?
  • Can she take a break from studying now?
  • Can you lend me some money until next week?
  • Can we go to the beach this afternoon?
  • Can I have a piece of cake from the fridge?
  • Can they join us for the movie tonight?
  • Can you help me with this math problem, please?

Rules 3: To give permission


  • You can go ahead and use the printer.
  • The kids may watch TV for an hour.
  • He can take the day off if needed.
  • We may leave the party early.
  • You can borrow my umbrella.
  • They may use the meeting room now.
  • She can have an extra cookie.
  • You may bring a friend to the event.
  • The team can start the project tomorrow.
  • Students may submit their assignments online.

Rules 4: To Prohibit Strictly


  • John can’t find his keys.
  • She can’t remember his name.
  • The dog can’t catch the ball.
  • We can’t finish the project on time.
  • They can’t solve the puzzle.
  • He can’t lift the heavy box.
  • I can’t understand the instructions.
  • The team can’t win the match.
  • You can’t park here.
  • The child can’t reach the shelf.
Use Of Can

Rules 5: To Show Possibility Along with Recourses


  • John can’t attend the meeting because he has a doctor’s appointment.
  • She can’t complete the report due to a lack of data.
  • The team can’t start the project without the required funding.
  • I can’t go on the trip because my passport expired.
  • They can’t play soccer because the field is flooded.
  • He can’t fix the car without the necessary tools.
  • We can’t cook dinner since we ran out of groceries.
  • The children can’t go outside because it’s raining heavily.
  • You can’t enter the building without an access card.
  • The company can’t launch the product without regulatory approva

Rules 6: To Show The target Of a Present Action, Which Show That


  • I am studying hard so that I can pass the exam.
  • She is saving money so that she can buy a new car.
  • We are organizing the event so that everyone can have a good time.
  • He is exercising regularly so that he can stay healthy.
  • They are practicing every day so that they may win the championship.
  • I am learning French so that I can communicate when I travel to Paris.
  • She is cooking dinner early so that we can eat on time.
  • He is working overtime so that he may finish the project before the deadline.
  • We are planting trees so that the environment can be improved.
  • They are cleaning the house so that it may be ready for guests.

Rules 7: With Some Personal Use


This structure shows that the subject has become such a victim of his habit or habit that no one can stop him from doing something, meaning he will definitely do it


  • She can’t help laughing at his jokes.
  • John can’t help feeling nervous before the interview.
  • They can’t help admiring the beautiful scenery.
  • I can’t help thinking about the future.
  • We can’t help wondering what will happen next.
  • He can’t help smiling when he sees his dog.
  • You can’t help noticing her enthusiasm.
  • The team can’t help celebrating their victory.
  • She can’t help crying during sad movies.
  • I can’t help loving this song.

Rule 8: Not Allow Anyone To work


This Structure Shows that Subject won’t Allow to do any work at present and in the Future, it’s mean would prevent him for working.


  • He can’t help interfere with her tasks.
  • They can’t help disturb the office environment.
  • She can’t help interrupt his workflow.
  • John can’t help micromanage the team.
  • The manager can’t help disrupt the employees’ concentration.
  • We can’t help hinder the project’s progress.
  • You can’t help obstruct their efforts.
  • She can’t help delay the team’s progress.
  • They can’t help complicate the procedure.
  • He can’t help distract the staff.

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Mr Bunny

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