Use Of This, That, These, Those: Difference, Rules & Examples

By Mr Bunny

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Use Of This, That, These, Those:

Use Of This/That

1.This/that as the subject of a statement part is change into ‘it’ is question part.


  1. Statement: This is a delicious cake. Question: This is a delicious cake, isn’t it?
  2. Statement: That was an incredible performance. Question: That was an incredible performance, wasn’t it?
  3. Statement: This seems like a great idea. Question: This seems like a great idea, doesn’t it?
  4. Statement: That looks like a challenging problem. Question: That looks like a challenging problem, doesn’t it?
  5. Statement: This is your final answer. Question: This is your final answer, isn’t it?
  6. Statement: That appears to be the correct solution. Question: That appears to be the correct solution, doesn’t it?
  7. Statement: This is the best time to start. Question: This is the best time to start, isn’t it?
  8. Statement: That was a fantastic vacation. Question: That was a fantastic vacation, wasn’t it?
  9. Statement: This looks like a promising opportunity. Question: This looks like a promising opportunity, doesn’t it?
  10. Statement: That is an impressive achievement. Question: That is an impressive achievement, isn’t it?

2. This/that + noun as the subject of a statement part gets pronoun in question part according to the noun.

Statement part: This/That + noun + auxiliary verb + main verb + object
Question part: auxiliary verb + pronoun (according to the noun)


  1. Statement: This book is really interesting. Question: This book is really interesting, isn’t it?
  2. Statement: That car is quite expensive. Question: That car is quite expensive, isn’t it?
  3. Statement: This movie was very entertaining. Question: This movie was very entertaining, wasn’t it?
  4. Statement: That restaurant has excellent reviews. Question: That restaurant has excellent reviews, doesn’t it?
  5. Statement: This house looks very spacious. Question: This house looks very spacious, doesn’t it?
  6. Statement: That solution seems to work perfectly. Question: That solution seems to work perfectly, doesn’t it?
  7. Statement: This laptop performs exceptionally well. Question: This laptop performs exceptionally well, doesn’t it?
  8. Statement: That meeting was quite productive. Question: That meeting was quite productive, wasn’t it?
  9. Statement: This project requires a lot of effort. Question: This project requires a lot of effort, doesn’t it?
  10. Statement: That plan is likely to succeed. Question: That plan is likely to succeed, isn’t it?

Use Of These/Those

Rule 2: These/those of a subject of a statement part is changing to ‘they’ is question part.

Statement part: Subject + verb (with negative sense) + object
Question part: Affirmative question part


  1. Statement: These shoes are not comfortable. Question: These shoes are not comfortable, are they?
  2. Statement: Those books were not easy to find. Question: Those books were not easy to find, were they?
  3. Statement: These instructions aren’t clear. Question: These instructions aren’t clear, are they?
  4. Statement: Those problems are not solved yet. Question: Those problems are not solved yet, are they?
  5. Statement: These details are not accurate. Question: These details are not accurate, are they?
  6. Statement: Those results were not satisfactory. Question: Those results were not satisfactory, were they?
  7. Statement: These reports are not complete. Question: These reports are not complete, are they?
  8. Statement: Those options aren’t viable. Question: Those options aren’t viable, are they?
  9. Statement: These computers are not functioning properly. Question: These computers are not functioning properly, are they?
  10. Statement: Those proposals are not ready yet. Question: Those proposals are not ready yet, are they?

50 Sentences Of This/That/These/Those

Sentences with “This”

  1. This book is very interesting.
  2. This restaurant has great reviews.
  3. This is the best day of my life.
  4. This shirt is too small for me.
  5. This car needs a new battery.
  6. This movie is really entertaining.
  7. This house has a beautiful garden.
  8. This project requires more time.
  9. This cake tastes amazing.
  10. This computer is very fast.

Sentences with “That”

  1. That tree is incredibly tall.
  2. That solution might solve the problem.
  3. That was an impressive performance.
  4. That meeting went on for hours.
  5. That restaurant serves excellent food.
  6. That dress looks stunning on you.
  7. That book was a best-seller last year.
  8. That street is always so busy.
  9. That idea sounds interesting.
  10. That concert was unforgettable

Sentences with “These”

  1. These shoes are very comfortable.
  2. These flowers are blooming beautifully.
  3. These instructions are easy to follow.
  4. These cookies are freshly baked.
  5. These students are working hard.
  6. These documents need to be reviewed.
  7. These paintings are very colorful.
  8. These tickets are for tonight’s show.
  9. These problems need immediate attention.
  10. These emails need to be answered.

Sentences with “Those”

  1. Those mountains look majestic.
  2. Those results are quite surprising.
  3. Those shoes were on sale last week.
  4. Those paintings are from the 19th century.
  5. Those cars are very expensive.
  6. Those proposals were not approved.
  7. Those fields are filled with wildflowers.
  8. Those books are on the top shelf.
  9. Those chairs are very comfortable.
  10. Those children are playing in the park.

Mixed Sentences

  1. This project is due next week, but that one is due today.
  2. These cookies are better than those we made last time.
  3. That movie was good, but this one is even better.
  4. Those students are in the same class as these students.
  5. This report needs to be revised, unlike that one.
  6. These issues are urgent, unlike those we discussed last month.
  7. This laptop is new, while that one is quite old.
  8. That store has higher prices than this one.
  9. Those dresses are on sale, but these ones are not.
  10. This solution should work better than that previous one.

Fill The Blanks

  • ________ book on the shelf is mine?
  • ________ shoes look really comfortable
  • .________ is your favorite movie?
  • ________ cookies are homemade?
  • ________ pen belongs to me?
  • ________ jacket do you prefer, the red or the blue?
  • ________ car over there is really old.

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Mr Bunny

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