Use of Would: All Information, Rules, Examples & Sentences

By Mr Bunny

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Use of Would

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Use of Would: Would is a Modal Verb, Which is used to show Cretan Featurerity, past Form Of Shall or Will Series Of Past Habitual Action and To Know One’s wishes.

The word “would” is a modal auxiliary verb in English. It is used to express various ideas such as willingness, determination, future in the past, hypothetical situations, polite requests or offers, and habitual actions in the past. Here are some of its primary uses:

7 Rules To Use Would

Use of Would

Rule 1 : To make a Cretan Featurerity.


  1. She would finish her degree by next year.
  2. He would buy a new car when he saved enough money.
  3. They would move to the countryside when they retired.
  4. We would renovate the house if we had the funds.
  5. I would visit Paris once I learned French.
  6. She would open her own restaurant someday.
  7. He would travel the world after he graduated.
  8. They would start a family after buying a house.
  9. We would launch the product when it was ready.
  10. I would write a book if I had more time.

Rule 2 : As The Past form of Shall or Will


  1. She said she would call me later.
  2. He promised he would finish the project on time.
  3. They assured us they would attend the meeting.
  4. I thought we would leave by noon.
  5. She mentioned she would bring the cake.
  6. He knew he would succeed eventually.
  7. They hoped they would win the game.
  8. We believed we would see results soon.
  9. I said I would help him with his homework.
  10. She planned she would travel abroad next year.

Rule 3 : To make series of past habitual Action.


  1. He would read a book every evening.
  2. She would take a walk after dinner.
  3. They would play chess on weekends.
  4. We would visit our grandparents every summer.
  5. I would listen to music while studying.
  6. He would go fishing every Sunday.
  7. She would bake cookies for the holidays.
  8. They would ride their bikes to school.
  9. We would watch movies on Friday nights.
  10. I would write in my journal every night.

Rule 4 : To Know One’s wishes


  1. Would you like a cup of tea?
  2. Would she want to join us for dinner?
  3. Would they prefer a different movie?
  4. Would he enjoy going to the concert?
  5. Would you need any help with your project?
  6. Would she like a new book?
  7. Would they want to visit the museum tomorrow?
  8. Would he prefer a window seat?
  9. Would you like to go for a walk?
  10. Would she enjoy a day at the spa?
Use of Would

Rule 5 : To Express Idea or Wishes.


  1. She would like to travel to Japan.
  2. He would dislike to eat broccoli every day.
  3. They would like to visit the new museum.
  4. I would like to learn how to play the guitar.
  5. We would dislike to live in a crowded city.
  6. She would like to start her own business.
  7. He would dislike to wake up early on weekends.
  8. They would like to adopt a pet.
  9. I would like to improve my cooking skills.
  10. We would dislike to move to a colder climate.

Rule 6 : To Make an Imagination.

In some condition, in order to see imagery in a sentence, there would be no re-excitation of V1. So, to avoid this, in the parts where condition is seen,

Were/V2+Had+O/S is used.


  1. If I were taller, I would reach the top shelf.
  2. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam.
  3. If they were here, they would help us.
  4. If he had known, he would have come earlier.
  5. If we were rich, we would travel the world.
  6. If you had called, I would have answered.
  7. If it were sunny, we would go to the beach.
  8. If she had been there, she would have seen it.
  9. If I were you, I would take the job.
  10. If he had worked harder, he would have succeeded.

Rule 7 : In the conditional sentence for showing imagination remote, the use of would have + V3 would not be required, so to avoid this, Had+V3/been/had+O/C is used in the verb showing the condition.


  1. Had I known about the meeting, I would be there on time.
  2. Had he studied harder, he would pass the exam.
  3. Had she arrived earlier, she would join us for dinner.
  4. Had they taken the warning seriously, they would be safe now.
  5. Had we left earlier, we would catch the train.
  6. Had you told me, I would help you with the project.
  7. Had it rained, the picnic would be canceled.
  8. Had the company invested wisely, it would thrive today.
  9. Had the doctor been available, the patient would be treated sooner.
  10. Had I seen the sign, I would not get lost.

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Mr Bunny

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