What Is Common Noun? Definition, Rules, Structure And Examples With Full Information

By Mr Bunny

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What Is Common Noun?

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Common Noun: Friends, common noun is also a very important topic of English grammar. It is very important to know about it well. Below we have shared all the important information related to common noun, so read the post till the end.

What is a Common Noun?

Common noun is the noun which denotes caste and community. Like dog, cat, pen, car etc. If we talk about cats, it gives us a sense of the entire cat community and not of any particular cat. Hence we can say that cat is a common noun.

Example: Boy, Pan, Car, Dog etc.

Examples of Common Noun

Here are some examples of Common Noun


  • teacher
  • doctor
  • student
  • chef
  • artist
  • nurse
  • engineer
  • waiter
  • writer
  • musician

2. Places:

  • park
  • library
  • school
  • restaurant
  • museum
  • beach
  • hospital
  • mall
  • gym
  • hotel

3. Things:

  • book
  • car
  • computer
  • phone
  • chair
  • table
  • lamp
  • bag
  • bottle
  • clock

4. Ideas/Concepts:

  • happiness
  • freedom
  • courage
  • love
  • peace
  • justice
  • honesty
  • education
  • success
  • beauty
What Is Common Noun?

Facts of Common Noun Fact

(1): It is free to be singular or plural.


  1. Singular: dog, city, book, student, car, house, tree, pen, apple, computer etc
  2. Plural: dogs, cities, books, students, cars, houses, trees, pens, apples, computers etc

Fact (2): Generally a common Noun singular number does not come without Article.

Example: Boy is honest. (x) / The boy is honest. (✓) Note: Keep in mind that to give universal sense one stops the Common Noun singular number also.


Correct with Article:

  1. The dog is barking.
  2. The city is beautiful.
  3. The book is on the table.
  4. The student answered the question.
  5. The car is new.
  6. The house has a garden.
  7. The tree is tall.
  8. The pen is on the desk.
  9. The apple is red.
  10. The computer is old.

Incorrect without Article:

  1. Dog is barking. (x)
  2. City is beautiful. (x)
  3. Book is on the table (x)
  4. Student answered the question. (x)
  5. Car is new. (x)
  6. House has a garden. (x)
  7. Tree is tall. (x)
  8. Pen is on the desk. (x)
  9. Apple is red. (x)
  10. Computer is old. (x)

Fact (3): Generally article is avoided before a Common Noun Plural number.

Example: Children are naughty.

Note: Keep in mind that to give a particular sense, Common Noun plural number starts with ‘The’ planet.


Plural form
Without Article:

  1. Dogs are friendly.
  2. Cities are crowded.
  3. Books are on the shelf.
  4. Students are studying.
  5. Cars are parked outside.
  6. Houses are expensive.
  7. Trees provide shade.
  8. Pens are on the desk.
  9. Apples are delicious.
  10. Computers are essential in offices.

With Article (for particular sense):

  1. The dogs in the park are friendly.
  2. The cities mentioned in the report are developing rapidly.
  3. The books on the top shelf are rare editions.
  4. The students in my class are very attentive.
  5. The cars in the showroom are new models.
  6. The houses on this street are historic.
  7. The trees in the orchard produce apples.
  8. The pens in this drawer are all blue.
  9. The apples from this farm are the best.
  10. The computers in the lab are all up-to-date.

Using Common Noun in Sentence

  • Dog: The dog barked loudly at the mailman. | The dog barked loudly at the mailman.
  • Table: They sat around the table and discussed their plans.| They sat around the table and discussed their plans.
  • Computer: She spent hours working on her computer to finish the project. | She worked for hours on her computer to finish the project.
  • Phone: He reached for his phone to check his messages. | He reached for his phone to check his messages.
  • Child: The child laughed as she played with her toys. | The child laughed as she played with her toys.
  • House: Our house has a beautiful garden in the backyard. | Our house has a beautiful garden in the backyard.
  • Car: She drove her car to work every day. | She drove her car to work every day.
  • Book: He enjoyed reading books by his favorite author. | He enjoyed reading books by his favorite author.
  • Teacher: The teacher explained the lesson to the students. | The teacher explained the lesson to the students.
  • City: New York City is known for its bustling streets and iconic landmarks. | New York City is known for its bustling streets and iconic landmarks.

Difference Between Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

Below we have given a proper noun and common noun example, so that you can understand easily. If we talk about boy then by boy we get the idea of ​​the whole boy community. And if we talk about Ram then by this we get the idea of ​​only one person and not the whole community. From this it becomes clear that boy is a common noun and Ram is a proper noun.

AspectCommon NounsProper Nouns
DefinitionGeneral names for people, places, things, or ideasSpecific names of individual people, places, organizations, or events
CapitalizationNot capitalized unless at the beginning of a sentenceAlways capitalized
Examplesperson: teacher, student
place: city, park
thing: book, car
idea: happiness, freedom –
person: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie
place: New York City, Eiffel Tower
thing: Coca-Cola, The Mona Lisa
idea/event: The Renaissance, World War II
Article UsageCan be preceded by articles like “a,” “an,” or “the”Not usually preceded by articles, though “the” can be used in specific cases (e.g., “The United Nations”)
UsageRefers to general categories or typesRefers to specific entities or unique names
Examples in SentencesI saw a dog in the park.
She bought a book at the store.
I saw Rover in Central Park.
She bought Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone at the bookstore.
What Is Common Noun?

50 Common Noun Sentences

  1. The dog is playing in the garden.
  2. The teacher explained the lesson clearly.
  3. Children are running in the playground.
  4. I bought a new book yesterday.
  5. The car needs to be repaired.
  6. The house has a beautiful garden.
  7. She wrote a letter with a blue pen.
  8. The tree outside is very tall.
  9. The city is known for its historic buildings.
  10. The computer on the desk is old.
  11. Dogs are known for their loyalty.
  12. We visited the museum last weekend.
  13. The restaurant serves delicious food.
  14. The park is a great place for picnics.
  15. The coffee was too hot to drink.
  16. The student answered all the questions correctly.
  17. The river flows through the town.
  18. The shirt needs to be ironed.
  19. The hospital is located near the school.
  20. The mall is crowded on weekends.
  21. The phone rang several times.
  22. The movie we watched was entertaining.
  23. The restaurant has a wide variety of dishes.
  24. The library is quiet and peaceful.
  25. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  26. The bed in the hotel room was very comfortable.
  27. The clock on the wall is broken.
  28. The beach is a popular vacation spot.
  29. The train arrived on time.
  30. The teacher gave us a challenging assignment.
  31. The lamp on the table is very stylish.
  32. The window in the room is open.
  33. The bicycle was parked outside the store.
  34. The garage needs to be cleaned.
  35. The garden is full of colorful flowers.
  36. The dentist has a busy schedule today.
  37. The park has many walking trails.
  38. The chair in the dining room is broken.
  39. The juice was freshly squeezed.
  40. The bank is just around the corner.
  41. The book was very informative.
  42. The computer crashed while I was working.
  43. The bridge connects the two cities.
  44. The suitcase was heavy to carry.
  45. The teacher gave a pop quiz in class.
  46. The bakery sells delicious pastries.
  47. The zoo is home to many exotic animals.
  48. The guitar was leaning against the wall.
  49. The calendar on the wall is outdated.
  50. The plane took off on time.

50 Common Noun Word


  1. teacher
  2. doctor
  3. student
  4. chef
  5. artist
  6. nurse
  7. engineer
  8. musician
  9. waiter
  10. driver


  1. city
  2. park
  3. school
  4. restaurant
  5. library
  6. beach
  7. hospital
  8. museum
  9. mall
  10. hotel


  1. book
  2. car
  3. phone
  4. chair
  5. table
  6. computer
  7. pen
  8. bag
  9. lamp
  10. shirt


  1. happiness
  2. freedom
  3. love
  4. justice
  5. courage
  6. beauty
  7. knowledge
  8. peace
  9. success
  10. honesty


  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. bird
  4. fish
  5. horse
  6. rabbit
  7. lion
  8. tiger
  9. elephant
  10. giraffe


Common Noun is a very important topic of English Grammar. You can also read it for competitive exam preparation. Because all the information is given in it, hope you all liked the information given in it.

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    Mr Bunny

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